Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Case Study 2: Melbourne Docklands

Docklands is probably the largest and most economically significant urban renewal project which has taken place in Australia’s history. This project has huge implications on Melbourne, Victoria and Australia as it attempts to attract large national and international business investment. The economic benefits more then cover the overall expense of this large project; the overall cost of the project is $12billion and is currently at its halfway point but has already received $8.5billion of business investment and when complete in 2025 it will accommodate over 50,000 workers. These economic benefits are extremely important to Melbourne’s economy but a urban renewal project of this size internationally shows that Australia can be world leaders in innovation to encourage global investment.

To understand the importance of this urban renewal project locally we first need to consider the history of this area. Established in 1880 to support ships for incoming immigrants and materials, over years it became a heavy industrial area to take in materials for Melbourne and Victoria’s trade, construction and manufacturing industries. Between 1900 and the 1950’s Docklands was the busiest port in Australia, this was due to both industry and immigration and for this reason established strong rail links for trade and transport across Melbourne and Victoria. After the 1950’s docklands trade was redirected to other more accessible ports in Victoria most notably Geelong and its fate was uncertain all that remained was an industrial wasteland on Melbourne’s naturally beautiful waterfront.

In 1991 the Victorian government established the docklands authority, to plan and develop the docklands area, in 1996 the plans were drafted and released and the docklands area was split in 7 precincts, in 1997 construction on the stadium commenced and in 2013 the docklands project hit its halfway point.
Docklands history gives it a special place in the community’s heart so extensive community consultation was and still is needed for the correct outcomes for the Melbourne community and heritage plays and important role to preserve the history of docklands. What was clear from the community consultation was the community wanted more utilisation of the water front, more greens spaces and innovative environmental design. This was all considered and is reflected in the reports released. Docklands is now an area with investor, community and tourist appeal, all design and construction must fall within ESD guidelines and the docklands area will be home to 20,000 residents, 700 marinas and over 100 restaurants and café to establish a vibrant area on Melbourne’s waterfront.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Reflection of case study 1: Queanbeyan

Firstly I hope all the people who were at the presentation enjoyed it, I have to say this was one of the most interesting assignments that I have had to present. Queanbeyan is a regional city in NSW and has a similar planning framework as other regional NSW cities of simular sizes however Queanbeyan has unique concerns and problems due to its proximity to Canberra. To begin this presentation the process Queanbeyan city council go through in planning was outlined and a brief history was given then we spoke about new growth areas of Queanbeyan these are areas of expansion for Queanbeyan these include south Jerrabomberra, Tralee area and Googong with construction on Stage 1 of Googong well underway.

Then we spoke about the road infrastructure of Queanbeyan and future roads such as Dunns creek road, Ellerton drive extension and the northern bypass currently not going ahead and outlined most of the new road infrastructure and road improvements were being built to facilitate for the new growth areas. Then we moved on to talk about infill housing and Queanbeyan having some quite large high and medium density areas due to their proximity to Canberra and surrounds and also close to Queanbeyan CBD but with this zoning maps of Queanbeyan where shown and zoning problems where outlined from where high density and medium density housing areas met industrial areas.

Then we moved on to heritage and this is an important planning consideration to remain the city’s history but encourage investment, then transport infrastructure was spoken about focusing on public transport, walking and cycling and a focus on the car orientated type of city Queanbeyan is and a lack of public transport integration between Queanbeyan and Canberra. Finally the economics of Queanbeyan was outlined reviewing Queanbeyan city council reports, 2006 census and the CBD master plan and critically analysed the plans for future development and looked at Queanbeyan’s strong manufacturing and construction industries influence we concluded are speech with a short video to have a light hearted finish and I hope all who were there enjoyed.