Friday, 30 August 2013
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Metro Rail Network for Canberra
As local planning initiatives go light rail would have to be one
of the biggest. Canberra is not a large city but has a lot of sprawl its
footprint is about the size of Greater London and with a growing population
transport is a big issue. Most Canberrans commute in cars, public transport
isn't frequently used this is because the only public transport which exists is
buses and although ACTION does do a good job with regular buses to and from
major centres and cheap fares it’s not enough. Buses are slow unreliable and
put a lot of admissions into the air. So Canberra really has to ask the
question does it want to be a liveable city in the future or not? All large
cities around the world need functioning public transport to function and Canberra
should really follow suit. I'm not talking Light Rail, no. I'm talking a large
scale fast metro rail system linking all of Canberra as far as Yass, Cooma, Goulburn,
Bungendore and possibly even as far as the coast and linked with high speed
rail for Australia Sydney, Wollongong, Coffs coast, Albury, Melbourne and
everywhere else in Australia. However I do realize that’s a long way off but we
have to start somewhere.
So let’s talk about a Metro rail system
for Canberra. Canberra seems to hate rail, no current light rail system and the
only railway station is the seldom used Canberra railway station on the
outskirts of Kingston which you have to go to Yass with to get to Melbourne and
it takes 4 hours to the outskirts of Sydney. Although Canberra seems to have
this vendetta against trains its spread out region with a modest population would
make it well suited for a large scale fast metro system and it will be easier
to start putting in now then later when the population is so large that you
need it but its unfeasible to put in; NOW’s the time to do it. So how would
this rail system work? Whether it’s an above ground rail system or underground or
a combination of the two is irrelevant as both could work however underground
would be better and possibly cheaper as it affects less of the surface of Canberra,
it’s also easier to add to. Canberra’s lay out is good for a metro rail system
as it’s a multi nucleus city so it already has lots of hubs which people
commute between and would make obvious rail spots and then on the surface in
that area you can be linked by bus and light rail. These spots are Belconnen, Gungahlin,
Dickson, Civic/Central, Russel, Airport, Kingston, Queanbeyan, Woden, (Hospital),
Weston Creek, Kambah and Tuggeranong should all be stops in the initial plan. With
the possible expansion to outlying areas like Cooma, Yass, Goulburn, Bungendore
with stops in between.
The role out
I think the rollout should begin in Canberra’s north. Not because
I’m biased I live in Queanbeyan so I’m obviously not; More because Canberra’s
north has most of Canberra’s population and a firstly increasing population with
all of Canberra’s universities. So the first section built I think should be
civic/central to Belconnen, and to Gungahlin with a stop in Dickson, and a link
between Belconnen and Gungahlin. Then next should be south connecting all
canberras major hubs. So Civic/Central to Woden stopping at the Hospital and
then a link south from Woden to Tuggeranong stopping at Kambah and also a link
west from Woden to Weston Creek. Then a line east starting at Civic/Central
stopping at Russel, the Airport, Kingston and then finishing up at Queanbeyan. Then
you could expand the rail network to regional areas.
I will post more things about a rail network for Canberra and a
high speed rail for Australia but would love to hear your comments.
Canberra - Light Rail
Important Canberra planning initiative I don't think its even close to enough Canberra should have a high speed metro rail network
Light rail the best choice for Canberra’s future - Simon Corbell MLA
SPEECH TO THE ACT LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DURING BUDGET DEBATE ON THE CAPITAL METRO PROJECT 15 AUG 2013Labor went to the 2012 election with a specific policy to develop light rail along the transport corridor between Gungahlin and the City. ACT Labor chose this initiative because after over a decade of analysis, investigations and reports into rapid transport for our City, it was time for our city to make a decision. To make a decision which was the best, long term choice for our city. Labor chose light rail for our city.We chose light rail because - Canberrans are concerned about growing congestion, they are frustrated by it, they know it has a direct impact on their quality of life, their productivity, their time with family and friends. Canberrans are concerned about costs, the cost of running a 2, 3 or even 4 car household, the costs of petrol, insurance and registration. They want better choices, better alternatives that provide convenient, reliable and fast public transport. Canberrans are also concerned about housing. Canberrans want more housing choices close to where they work, where they shop, where they use cultural, social, community and professional services. And they want more affordable housing. ![]() Canberrans are also concerned about our cities impact on the environment. They want smarter, greener transport which reduces pollution, noise and greenhouse gas emissions. They want transport which is sustainable. Labor understands these concerns, we know we need to take long term decisions to respond to them. That is why the Government has chosen light rail as the best choice for our city. It is why we announced and campaigned on the development of the Capital Metro project. It is why in this budget we are delivering on that commitment, investing in the establishment of the Capital Metro Agency and laying the foundations for the design, procurement and delivery of this project which can transform the way our city develops into the future. Development of Capital Metro project will help tackle Canberrans concerns about congestion. Analysis undertaken as part of the development of the Gungahlin to City transit corridor business case demonstrates that currently peak period delays on Northbourne Avenue are estimated at 16 minutes from Gungahlin to the City. Put another way this equates to a morning peak journey time along the corridor of 26 minutes southbound and 20 minutes northbound. By 2031 without dedicated transit in place, travel times in the morning peak will be 57 minutes southbound and 27 minutes northbound. That’s right, in less than 20 years Gungahlin residents will face travel times of nearly one hour to get from the Gungahlin Town centre to the City. read more |
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Seminar PowerPoint - Arguments for and against planning!/mail/ViewOfficePreview.aspx?messageid=f6f39444-0fac-11e3-b996-002264c20882&folderid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&attindex=0&cp=-1&attdepth=0&n=992551794
link to the Seminar PowerPoint Arguments For and Against planning
link to the Seminar PowerPoint Arguments For and Against planning
Seminar Review - ArgumentsFor and Against Planning
Arguments for and Against Planning
Presenting this presentation was a bit
daunting as I had been at Uni for less than 3 weeks and a 40 min presentation
seemed long. The topic Arguments for and against planning was a good topic with
a lot of material on it, it’s also very fundamental for the unit as is establishes
the importance of planning.
I think myself and James covered all the
relevant content. The most important of which was the reading for the week "Arguments For and
Against Planning" by
Richard E. Klosterman which James and I covered in immense detail. With only limited
time to prepare James and I thought that to include all the content needed we
should split it up and investigate our own parts although we did continually help
each other out. So it split we James took the Pluralist and Traditional
Arguments and I took the Economic and Marxist Arguments along with the
Introduction and James got the conclusion. Due to the limited information on
two arguments we also decided he should speak about the other arguments for and
against planning we both find.
Throughout the introduction I just wanted to outline what myself
and James where going to speak about and the format that the seminar was going
to take.
Economic Argument + Marxist Argument
Had a lot of information in the reading for the week and a lot of
content for me to cover in the seminar. So I started it off by outlining the
history of the economic argument I then split it in to for Parts like in the
reading. At the end of this section I asked the class questions to try and get
them involved then outlined arguments for and against planning outlined in this
section: Economic argument then critically analysed it. The Marxist Argument
took a very similar form except it did not split into four parts.
Seminar Transcript
Good afternoon
Over the last fortnight James and I have read
through the reading for this week, which are arguments for and against planning
by “Richard E Klosterman”. During this
seminar we will analyses this reading and some other information we have found
for and against planning. Feel free to ask us anyone questions as we go. We
will ask you a few throughout the seminar and at the end we will have a short
class discussion on the importance of planning
So the format of this seminar is that we will talk
to you about the reading for this week I’ll introduce it and I’ll talk about
the Economic argument and the Marxist argument and James will talk about the
pluralist Argument and the traditional argument and then he will outline some other
key points and arguments for and against planning. Then we have some questions
which we will discuss as a class.
The role planning plays in the world is subjective.
And everyone has a different view on what planning is, how it affects us and
what role planning plays. So to answer the Question of what is planning I would
like to Quote Richard who said planning is everything and I think there is no
better way to put it.
Now looking at the reading for this week:
Arguments for
and against planning by “Richard E. Klosterman”; at the start the paper
outlines that the necessity of planning processes has been questioned for the
best part of the last century and we haven’t really answered those questions.
The paper then splits into 4 arguments for and against planning and critically
analyses those arguments. These four arguments are economic arguments,
pluralist arguments, traditional arguments and Marxist arguments.
So first the Economic argument;
History of the economic argument – the economic
argument dates back to the 1700 and 1800’s through British philosophers Adam
Smith and John Stuart Mill who put the case forward that government should try
as little as possible to get involved in the market to protect individual
liberty and promote freedom.
The economic argument argues competitive markets are
capable in theory of allocating societies resources in an efficient manner but
that markets often don’t remain competitive and fail. You need local government
involved in solving “market failures”. Which occur when there are discrepancies
between the perfect competitive market and the market in real life. Then the
argument splits into for parts to show how these ‘market failures’ work:
1. Public
goods: public goods are goods and services that are freely available they could
be things owned by the state or things that are just generically free for
example healthy environment which could cause a ‘market failure’ due to the
fact markets are based around people spending money and that people won’t spend
money on things they get for free and that makes the market less competitive
and possibly make it fail.
2. Externalities:
externalities is the side effects of production, which frequently are not taken
into account by producer and can affect the market as it can drive the cost of
production up. Which means the producer would either have to take that cost and
possibly end up losing money or can pass on the cost to the consumer making
there good or service more expensive.
3. Prisoners’
dilemma condition – is where two prisoners or more have a situation where they
can confess and get a more lenient penalty but if all confess they would be
worse of then if they all stayed silent: Prisoners’ dilemma condition in this
case is that because society and people are dependent on each other. The more
passive people get the more society declines. The more active people are in
society the more society thrives
4. Distributional
questions: the distributional question is that social issues that society want the government to deal with require a lot of
planning to be efficient and can’t effectively take place from one centralized
Can you think of any arguments this could be making
against planning?
Too much regulation
Stifle entrepreneurial initiative
Impede innovation
Impose unnecessary financial and
administrative burdens
For planning
Local governments need to be involved
and plan to stop ‘Market Failures’
Planning is needed to work out
distribution of people, business and services
Planning is needed to stop
inefficiencies (market, business, design etc)
Criticisms of Economic argument
The argument is very narrow and doesn't look at many
issues in society
As a
planner, you serve the role of a community builder who influences social life
through the decisions you make that have a direct impact on the way a community
operates and interacts. It is because of this, in theory, a planner should
represent the interest of the public. Whilst this is the case, planning is a
highly political and complicated process that encompasses a broad range of
fields such as architecture, economics and sociology. This short YouTube video
briefly outlines the role of an urban planner.
article at hand, written by Richard E. Klosterman, is a piece that critiques
the necessity of Government planning whilst also offering suggestions relating
to how it could operate efficiently whilst fulfilling the fundamental needs of
society. As mentioned earlier, the article is split into four main arguments,
being, economic arguments, pluralist arguments, traditional arguments, and
Marxist arguments. Today I am going to explore the pluralist arguments and the
traditional arguments, and evaluate either their support for, or against
Government planning. Firstly I will discuss the traditionalist approach to
planning. The planning profession originated at the turn of the 20th century in
response to the failings of the political process and market. These failings
were met with great discontent and was accurately depicted by the highly
corrupt political process and the squalor that many citizens were forced to
live in. Most traditional arguments support the need for planning as it was
common belief that professionals who’s day to day job included scientific
methods, and rationality in terms of the instruments used, could promote
economic growth and a stable political process more effectively than political
competition and market competition as both of these forces are unplanned and
unpredictable. The reasons for these beliefs include the fact that many viewed
planning as a “fourth power” that was independent from the Government, and had
the role of representing public interest over the interests of single
individuals or elitist groups. Other views included the planning profession
being viewed as a system in which coordinates all impacts of land-uses on adjoining
land owners and society as a whole. Consideration for future communities must
also be taken into account as current actions have both negative and positive
impacts 0n future day-to-day life. By the mid 20th century, social scientists
such as Lindblom began to again question the necessity of planning. They argued
that public sector planning was over restrictive as they believed planners were
too focused simply on the built environment and the way in which urban areas
were designed and run, reflected the middle-class views of that time period.
The theory that planners represent the public interest was tested as planning
satisfied the needs of business elites and high class conservatives. Whilst the
planning profession was under attack at this time, it was beginning to be clear
that it was heading in a new direction. This new direction was called the
rational planning model. The rational planning model included the process of
“problem identification, goal definition, analysis, implementation, and
evaluation.” At the time of its creation, this seemed to be a logical process
that could have a positive effect on society, yet recently, its effectiveness
has been questioned as while it dealt with the need for dealing with
externalities and providing collective goods, it still lacked the ability to
deal with the social and psychological realities of planning, therefore meaning
that the planning profession still lacks an accepted model for defining
problems and seeking acceptable solutions.
in terms of politics is the belief that power should be distributed equally
among many differing groups of society so that one single elite group does not
have control of the whole society. Many people believe that this approach
should be taken in regards to planning. Critics of planning such as Lindblom
and Wildavsky accepted the economic arguments stated earlier and believed that
no independent government intervention was necessary. The basis of these
arguments parallels to the economists theory of the perfectly competitive
market where competition between groups who are in pursuit of their particular
goals, is placed on a public agenda, meaning that no single group and their
views can dominate, whilst maintaining political stability. Because in a
perfectly competitive market there is no Government interference, many believe
Government has no other role than to establish and enforce rules relating to
planning. Because of this, there is political competition, like economic
competition, eliminating the need for Government action in an independent way
regarding coordination and planning. Because the pluralist model is similar to
the economic model, it contains the same restrictions. The political process is
dominated by people who use their access to people in positions of power to
make sure their own interests are kept secure. This ensures their “status,
privilege, and wealth” are maintained by Government policy decisions. The
profession of planning can be widely justified, as just like the constraints of
market competition, the pluralist approach cannot be in constant perfect
competition, it is not rational. Because of this, many authors propose that
planning simply be an add one of Government that performs actions such as
providing information to society so that the decentralized decision making
process is simplified and improved because of enhanced knowledge on the topic.
pluralist approach to planning contains strong links to the advocacy planning
approach. The advocacy planning approach was first promoted in Paul Davidoff’s
1965 article in the Journal of the American Institute of Planners, and rejects
the idea that one solitary plan representing public interest is the correct
approach to planning, whilst having one plan that represents the interests of
many groups within society is the more reliable option. Advocate planners have
acted primarily in the interests of the poor and the minorities that are often
unheard in the political process. In the article at hand, Klosterman makes note
of the Cleveland Planning Commissions efforts to promote “a wider range of
choices for those Cleveland residents who have few, if any choices.” The
advocacy planning approach also rejects the idea of a planning commission which
is supposed to be a neutral body that acts in the interests of the public,
claiming that it is merely political with no responsibility and complete
irrelevance. Having said this, advocacy planning shares many of the same
limitation as pluralist planning. These limitations include leaders not always
reflecting the interests of their group members, and public servants not having
adequate information to advocate for the minority as it is easier to represent
the narrowly defined interests of the elites.
It is
because of these restraints that there still remains a need for public sector
planning that can theoretically represent the main interests of the public
whilst considering the future consequences of these actions. The aim of
traditional arguments is not to dismiss the needs of businesses and private
interests; it merely suggests that by taking into account the interests of the
whole community, better plans can be made by the Government Planning
The Marxist argument originates in the 1800’s with
Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels who wrote the communist manifesto and provided a
different theory on the way life could be lead and the way countries could be
run which up till then was very much capitalist.
Marxist argument states that to understand the role
planning plays you have to look at the role of government and the Marxist
argument assumes the governments serve the long term interests of society and
planning is fundamental in society for social and economic reasons. In the
Marxist argument government ownership is essential for the state to deliver
long term polices and centralised planning which serves the long term interests
of society.
interpret planners’ actions in each sphere as primarily serving the interests
of the capital at the expense of society”
Can you think of any arguments this could be making
against planning?
Arguments for planning
Planners are necessary to provide
collective goods for society and control externalities. Planning also helps to
manage the “inevitable contradictions of
Delivers good outcomes for society and
manages capitalism
Helps economic development
Is important for social developments
Arguments against planning
Planning is corruptible by government
Identifies no mechanism for reform
Criticisms of Marxist argument
Is that it’s to idealistic. It relies on the
assumption that all governments are good, honest and not corrupt; and that the
serve the long term interests of society. This is often not the case especially
in western societies where they are focused on the next election.
Planning is limited from a Marxists point of view
planners can’t work on short term reforms with community based professionals
and organisations because they are to tied to the capital
relevance of planning has been an issue ever since its beginnings around the
turn of the 20th century, therefore this article is not the only source of
information regarding evidence that either supports or degrades the profession
of planning. Urban Times is an online site built for people such as bloggers
and journalists who want to voice their opinion or lend their expertise on
current issues that plague the world.
Urban Times believes that urban planning is a necessity in modern
society as it “is a valuable lever for city leaders to make a difference and
achieve sustainable development.” In its online version of the magazine, they
state ten reasons why they believe that urban planning is still a much needed
and relevant profession in modern society.
first reason why Urban Times believes urban planning to be important is because
it is “a framework for growth.” This means that the transformation of an area
must have a framework in place that can develop ones vision in a controlled
manner. A framework will anticipate the future needs and transform
appropriately so that an urban area can grow under a plan, rather than from
“A planned city is a well prepared city.” If one has the potential to
anticipate any future problems, then a plan can be developed as time
progresses, and when this challenge arises, they will be in a better position
to overcome it. Not only are challenges more easily overcome, but future
opportunities may also be recognized.
of the size of many urban areas, many challenges may arise at a similar time to
each other. This is why urban times’ third point of “Planning improves impact”
is an essential one. Because not all issues can be resolved at once, projects
need to be prioritized in terms of their relation to the overall aim of the
city or urban area. Planners identify the issues at hand, along with the resources
available, to make sure that projects undertaken are possible and align with
the vision of the city.
fourth point raised by Urban Times, “An appropriate urban form is very
important,” relates to human nature. Where you live and work are very important,
so policies relating to density, infrastructure and public use have a major
impact on day to day life. A positive urban form can be created by designing a
“spatial pattern” that addresses the main concerns of citizens.
fifth point made by Urban Times is “urban planning positively impacts urban
economy.” For a leader of an urban area, job opportunities are a major concern.
By attracting investment and generating economic activity, many jobs can be
created therefore boosting the urban economy. For a plan to be successful, all
members of society must agree on the vision and the means in which this vision
will be achieved, because “A collectively held plan allows cities to build
lasting relationships.” This point relates to the first point raised by Urban
Times as the framework holds this plan together through citizens, investors and
seventh point raised by urban times states, “A broader territorial perspective
helps cities attain economies of scale.” The actions one city undertake not
only affects the city itself, but it also effects the surrounding region’s
resources. This is why cities need to look beyond their borders and work
together with a plan to advantage from “cross-municipal coordination.”
Cross-municipal coordination simply means that urban areas of different zones
work together to achieve positive allocation of resources and they can also
draw on economies of scale.
plan made for a city is highly important, therefore, this plan should be stuck
to as close as possible depending on different issues that may arise throughout
the duration of the plan. This is why Urban Times believes that, “continuity
generates credibility.” Cities that have been successful in the past have
ensured the continuity of their plans throughout different political cycles.
Spatial planning can assist in creating this continuity, as it reduces
uncertainties and creates predictable conditions.
effectiveness plays a massive role on planning, and problems can be very
costly, therefore, “Anticipating is more cost effective than reacting to
problems.” In the past, a laissez faire approach to planning was the preferred
option. Current planning tends to move away from this approach as cities that
thoroughly plan are in a postion to anticipate future issues rather than deal
with them as they occur. Urban Times sums up this statement by saying,
“Unplanned spatial patterns are inefficient and require more resources to
maintain, and the high cost of bad or no decision is likely to make them
final point made by Urban Times is that, “A framework gives consistency to
messages.” Government planning is a very political process, therefore the
messages made by local leaders must be clear, achievable and non-contradictary.
Because of this, support is important. Leaders can gain support if they can
demonstrate they are making progress that is in line with the framework and
vision for the area.
Times raises ten very important and intriguing points that relate to arguments
that support the need for Government planning in modern society.
article at hand has thoroughly discussed and examined four arguments explained
by Klosterman that have a variety of reasons for and against public sector or
Government planning. Despite there being reasons against planning,
fundamentally, all arguments agree that there needs to be some level of action
taken by Government, because in theory these arguments are justified,
practically they do not work. In terms of economics, Klosterman states that in
a perfectly competitive market, there is no need for Government interference as
the market is self regulating, but in reality we know this cannot work because Government
must intervene to remove market failures. If you take the pluralist approach to
planning, it is believed that planning is required to represent the interests
of the minorities and unheard instead of business elites. Pluralists like
economists, believe that Government intervention in the political process
should be kept to a minimum, but like the economics arguments, Government must
intervene otherwise the people with access to information will have their needs
satisfied. It is because of this that there must be some form of Government
intervention so that planners can serve as advocates for the neediest members
of society. Traditional arguments for planning suggest that planning reflects
the overall interest of society, but planning should be a department that is
independent to Government. Finally, the Marxist perspective of planning is an
overall view of the other arguments stated. The Marxist approach recognizes the
need for planning to be a representation of society whilst replacing decentralised
markets with centralised planning. An important point raised by the Marxist
argument is the need to correct the imbalance of power between society’s
wealthiest and poorest members. Klosterman clinically sums the issue up by
stating, “While all four perspectives propose that planning is required in
theory to fulfill these fundamental social requirements, they each recognize in
their own way that these theoretical arguments for planning are insufficient.”
Agnotti, T (Aprill 22, 2007). Advocacy
and Community Planning, Progressive Planning Magazine, Available:
S. (2011). Arguments Against
Planning. Available: [Accessed: 20 Aug 2013].
Just Some Notes. 2012. Arguments For and Against Planning | Just some
notes... [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 26 Aug 2013].
Klosterman, R. 2013. Arguments For and Against Planning. Learn Online,
Available at:
[Accessed: 18th Aug 2013].
Macs. n.d.. Is Economic Planning Hypercomputational? The Argument
from Cantor Diagonalisation. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Aug
McGill University (26/5/2013) What is
Urban Planning? Available: 1997. Prisoner's Dilemma (Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 Aug 2013].
Suharjanto, B (September 14, 2012) Arguments
for and Against Planning, Just Some Notes… Available:
UrbanTimes (2013). Ten Reasons Cities
Need Planning. Available:
Friday, 23 August 2013
Planning for the Future - NBN - Fibre vs Wireless
There is no doubt that when planning we have to consider economics. more specifically what can we plan to improve a development economically. The NBN is a nation building planning exercise in Australia to put fibre-optic wire in the ground to improve internet speeds which will ultimately result in benefits for business, communication, information and socially for people. The debate has been raised of fibre-optic vs wireless which one is better? there are no doubts fibre-optic cable is faster and more efficient but wireless is the future of technology. so lets check out the facts;
Speeds -
wireless: per cell wireless 4G net work can deliver 1Gbps
Fibre-optic cable: per strand currently delivers 69000 Gbps or 69Tbps
So looking at this although Wireless is cheaper and is improving, it's not improving anywhere near the speeds of fibre-optic cable and economically fibre-optic cable would make businesses much more competitive and improve your economic performance.
Speeds -
wireless: per cell wireless 4G net work can deliver 1Gbps
Fibre-optic cable: per strand currently delivers 69000 Gbps or 69Tbps
So looking at this although Wireless is cheaper and is improving, it's not improving anywhere near the speeds of fibre-optic cable and economically fibre-optic cable would make businesses much more competitive and improve your economic performance.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Queanbeyan's Roads
The proposed road connecting the Googong housing development to the Monaro Highway will receive $38 million in Federal money if Labor is re-elected. Member for Eden Monaro Mike Kelly made the announcement this morning, committing to "future-proofing" the Queanbeyan road network.
The total cost of constructing the Dunns Creek Road is estimated to be $75 million, with the remaining 50 per cent in funds required from the NSW Government, Queanbeyan City Council and the private sector. Dr Kelly said a further $2 million would be put towards preliminary planning work into duplicating Pialligo Road, which carries up to 20,000 commuters over the ACT border every day.
however no money has been pledged to build Ellerton road extension which is vital for planning for Qbn's future as Queanbeyan's population increases. what are your thoughts on this I would like to here comments? Is this good? Is this enough?
Monday, 19 August 2013
Future Plans for Canberra
The City Plan and City to the Lake project, which ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher unveiled for public consultation on March 26, provide the opportunity for Canberrans to express their ambitions for our city centre to 2030 and beyond.
Read more:
what are your thoughts? a good Idea?
With Canberra population expected to grow from 375,000 to 500,000 by 2043 and the Canberra regions population expected to pass 600,000 a project like this is very much warranted along with a lot of other future plans for Canberra. feel free to comment your future plans for Canberra and criticism/concerns of current plans for Canberra.
Read more:
what are your thoughts? a good Idea?
With Canberra population expected to grow from 375,000 to 500,000 by 2043 and the Canberra regions population expected to pass 600,000 a project like this is very much warranted along with a lot of other future plans for Canberra. feel free to comment your future plans for Canberra and criticism/concerns of current plans for Canberra.
new development for Canberra
this new lake to city development for Canberra to include a much needed new stadium with a roof and extra seating. thoughts?
this new lake to city development for Canberra to include a much needed new stadium with a roof and extra seating. thoughts?
Models used in Planning
article and video of how models can be used in Urban and Regional planning
so throughout this semester the Students within my Planning class will be presenting 40min seminars on but not limited to the reading of that week. and I will be required to do a 300 word response on this blog about their seminar. the first seminar I will be presenting and is on Arguments for and Against planning. A quite interesting topic.
Urban and Regional Planning
Urban and Regional planning blog
I'm Alex this is a blog based around Urban and regional planning which I'm studying at University. I find Urban and regional planning fascinating and hope to reach a career within the profession. This blog will mainly be post based on work and seminars in class but will also include other interesting things I find about planning and interesting plans. I hope from this Unit and this blog I can gain a greater understanding of all things Urban and regional planning encompasses and what makes a good plan. I hope this blog is very interesting and raises planning's profile and how important planning is around the world.
I'm Alex this is a blog based around Urban and regional planning which I'm studying at University. I find Urban and regional planning fascinating and hope to reach a career within the profession. This blog will mainly be post based on work and seminars in class but will also include other interesting things I find about planning and interesting plans. I hope from this Unit and this blog I can gain a greater understanding of all things Urban and regional planning encompasses and what makes a good plan. I hope this blog is very interesting and raises planning's profile and how important planning is around the world.
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